
[CMoore.com] Awesome to Crap

Speaking of first to worst - I caught a rerun of Psych, season one, and was reminded how awesome the show was when it began. The first season is well written, tight, funny, and smart. Sean is likable, Gus has plenty of lines, the cop-psychic interplay is fun, and the pacing is fantastic.

By season three, the protagonist (Sean) is a smarmy asshole, Gus has basically disappeared, product placements are overwhelming the plot, and the show feels stale. Once again, the old adage holds:

In season one, the actors work for the writers
Season two, they work together
By season three, the writers work for the actors

As a case study in this truism, see the behavior of Heigl, Katherine.

Sorry Psych. It was good while it lasted.


[CMoore.com] Oops

Sorry guys, my bad.


[CMoore.com] Today is my Favorite YouTube Day Ever

[CMoore.com] I can't decide

this is either the gayest or most heterosexual piece since Chuck Berry’s “My Dingaling”

Can’t decide. Brain aneurysm!

[CMoore.com] That's the Most Heterosexual Thing I've Ever Seen

Also, frickkin awesome

[CMoore.com] Cunning and Sneaky


[CMoore.com] Kiss that meme goodbye

Time to put “fail” in the “dude, where’s my car?” pile.

When Ben Bernanke and Henry Paulson testified before the Senate banking committee last month about Paulson’s proposed bailout bill, a demonstrator in the audience held up an 8.5-by-11 piece of paper with one word scrawled on it in block letters: “FAIL.” Earlier in September, Sarah Palin’s interview with Charlie Gibson was dubbed by some bloggers an “epic fail.” Grist magazine invoked the phrase when John McCain told a Maine TV reporter that Sarah Palin “knows more about energy than probably anyone else in the United States.” And just last week on the Atlantic’s Web site, Ta-Nehisi Coates found the theory that Bill Ayers ghost-wrote Barack Obama’s memoir so “desperate” he called it an “Epic Fail.”


[CMoore.com] Good timing

Managed to get the lens right on the bastid’s face wut killed ya

… actually, I’m calling fake, but it’s a good un.


[CMoore.com] This may be the worst thing I've ever seen

I can’t believe it took me 30 years to find it.

No, wait. Seriously? They filmed that? It made it past editing and was actually released? Inconceivable!